1. CTL Knowledge Base
  2. Video Production Requests

Can CTL film my course sessions?

The CTL does not offer lecture or event recording services. Faculty can borrow equipment from the Instructional Media and Technology Services (IMATS) at Barnard on a per request basis or hire outside freelance services. 

IMATS, Barnard Library & Media Services: lends equipment to faculty & students (Barnard faculty & students get first priority)

Downtown Community Television (DCTV) - 212-966-4510

Services range from: single camera videotaping to full multi-camera, scripted and edited productions.

Pricing on Small, Medium and Large production costs to come:

  • Small: single camera, hand over tape to client: $400 half day and $750 full day
  • Medium: single camera, minimal editing with encoding: $400-$650 (editing slides/images)
  • Large: multi-camera, highly edited with encoding for distribution, budget estimates dependent on project.

Freelance Video Recoding and Editing Servies:
:Brett Bisogno: bretholomew@gmail.com 718-208-8470
:Dmitry Khavin: dkhavin@hotmail.com 917-302-1539
:Ndlela Nkobi: email@ndlela.com, 347.596.2322
:David Schumacher: ds@magneticmedianyc.com (also does live webcasts) 917.535.2739

Video team members are also always happy to offer recommendations for equipment, tutorials on filming, capturing and publishing video and answer questions about any video needs.