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What languages does EdBlogs support?
How do I request an EdBlogs site?
Is there a way to make sure an EdBlog post stays at the top of the home page?
How do I get student names to appear in the sidebar with posts and comments tracked?
Can each student in my course set up their own blog with the EdBlogs service?
How do I get started with Edblogs?
Who may view the EdBlogs site for my course?
My username appears on my course EdBlog as my UNI. How do I change this?
What types of files can be uploaded to EdBlogs?
How can I setup email subscriptions for my students?
How do I change the icon (Avatar) that appears next to students names in an EdBlog comment?
How do I manage blog categories (add, edit, and delete)?
How do I add a link to my EdBlog in Courseworks?
How do I customize the menu of my blog?
What is the best way to add my syllabus to EdBlogs?
Why are my images appearing cropped?
How do I change the title of my blog?
Can I invite guests to my EdBlog if they do not have a Columbia University ID (UNI)
How may I organize my course EdBlog with multiple authors writing regularly on new topics?
As instructor, can I add users to my EdBlog?
How do I resize images in an EdBlogs post so they appear correctly in the theme?
Can I change the URL of my EdBlogs site?
Where can I find documentation about EdBlogs?
How do I edit multiple posts at once?
Can my students use EdBlogs with a mobile device?
How do I add images, video, documents, and other media to my EdBlogs posts and pages?
How can I migrate my EdBlog?
What is the difference between categories and tags in EdBlogs?
Why doesn't YouTube video or other embedded media appear?
Can Students Write Private Posts Only Accessible to Instructors?
How do I add links to the sidebar of my blog?
How do I add EdBlogs to my Courseworks Page?