What is the best way to add my syllabus to EdBlogs?

Using a static page to display your syllabus will ensure that your students will always be able to find it in the same place. You may copy your syllabus from a word processing document and paste it into the visual editor of a page content type.

Pages may be created by signing into your course dashboard, and clicking on the “Pages” panel. Then select “Add New”. Title your new page, and use the “Paste from Word” button to remove any extra code that may “garble” your post.

Paste your copied syllabus into the “Paste from Word” box provided.

Since the “Paste from Word” button scrubs extra code from your word processing program that may not display well in the visual editor, you may need to use the visual editor tools to style your syllabus as you wish.

Once you publish your syllabus page, you may access it using the page navigation provided by your chosen theme (see image below).