Viewing and working with ARTstor content in Mediathread

The Mediathread bookmarklet has been configured to embed images from ARTstor.  Once an item has been pulled into Mediathread from ARTstor, these images can be panned and zoomed, and 'selections' of them (ie zoomed-in portions) can be annotated and saved for later citations in compositions.

Working with ARTstor images in Mediathread is different from working with images from other digital collections.  ARTstor images come into Mediathread housed in ARTstor's proprietary viewer.  The pan/zoom tools you work within Mediathread are the same tools available on ARTstor's own website.  When an item is viewed in Mediathread, a full set of metadata from ARTstor is also available in the "Source" tab -- as well as a link back to the item in ARTstor.

Since the ARTstor viewer is Flash-based, it may not function correctly (in ARTstor or in Mediathread) unless your browser is running an up-to-date version of Flash.  If you have having problems viewing or working with ARTstor image in Mediathread, see more information about ARTstor system requirements.

Note that access to ARTstor content is restricted through institutional licenses.  Since Mediathread embeds the ARTstor player -- rather than creating separate copies of images -- accessibility to items and selections from ARTstor in Mediathread will mirror a user's access to ARTstor itself.  This means that if content from ARTstor is embedded in a composition that is shared with the world (see related article), it will only be visible to a viewer who is licensed to access ARTstor.