How can I use the Course Navigation menu in CourseWorks to manage my course navigation links?

Why remove or reorder items in my course navigation?

Your course navigation is your main tool to organize your students’ online learning experience in a way that clearly communicates which content and activities are important. To avoid confusion among your students, it is important to make visible only the tools you will be using and to organize your course site in a way that aligns with your learning goals and course content. CourseWorks (Canvas) provides many different tools to support different types of courses and instructor needs. Your may not need to use every tool provided. Use your own syllabus as a guide to help you determine which tools you will need, in what order they should appear, and which can be hidden and need not be seen by students.  

How do I change the navigation menu in my course?

As an instructor, you can control which tools appear on the course navigation and in what order.

Once you know the tools you plan to use in your course site, customize your course navigation menu and then review the changes from the student perspective using the Student View feature. The documentation below has been curated from the Canvas Instructor Guide and CUIT Tips and Tricks to help you use the newly updated features within the Course Navigation menu to provide clear and clutter free navigation experience to your students:

If you have more questions, the CTL can help! Contact the CTL Learning Designer assigned to your department or school, and they can work with you to determine which CourseWorks tools will support your teaching and learning needs.

Updated: October 17, 2019