Can I create an HTML page in Courseworks (Canvas)?

To create an HTML page in Canvas, you need to use the course wiki, which is called  Pages

What are Pages for Instructors?

Pages are where you can put content and educational resources that are part of your course but don’t necessarily belong in an assignment, or that you want to refer to in multiple assignments. This is a place where you can include text, video, and links to your files. You can even make links to other pages. Pages can also be used as a collaboration tool where you can create class wikis and set specific user access for each page. Canvas keeps the entire history of the page so you can see how it changes over time.

Up-to-date information about Pages can be found in the Canvas Instructor Guide. Follow the link below:

What are Pages? from the Canvas Instructor Guide

For further information, here is the general link to the Canvas Instructor Guide